A tricky issue, but that has generated many debates. What is the difference between a – sorry for the expression – whore and a high level escort? Although it seems that both women do exactly the same, there are differences that are worth highlighting to ensure a service according to what we are looking for.
A prostitute, called a common whore, is a woman who performs sexual favors in exchange for money. Within that adjective, there are numerous badges that can make a significant difference. As within Christianity there are Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans and Orthodox; Within the immense world of prostitution there are different types of professionals.
She is usually a basic woman, and everything that surrounds her activity will be too. There is no guideline with the physicist, since there are really spectacular street whores, some overweight, some of a certain age … There will always be an audience for everyone and that is what makes a great diversity with the appearance, although it is certainly rare that a woman with top model beauty is doing the street.

The professionals who exercise in exchange for a low rate and in an unsophisticated environment have something in common: an environment of few possibilities. The place of birth, family origin, the area in which they live and the friendships they have are key. Most have been born in a place that does not offer many opportunities to prosper, come from a depressed environment or have been born in unstructured families. Anyone can prosper and succeed if he wants to, but we believe that this lack of development means that prostitutes do not have the necessary tools to take advantage of their profession.
The lack of education also moves them away from more select environments, where they could certainly exercise their profession in a more elegant and safe way. The low cultural level is a great limitation.

Can a street whore earn money?
Of course. Not only do luxury escorts earn large amounts of money, the standard prostitute generates income well above the normal salary of a woman who is engaged in a current activity. Unfortunately, they have no idea what to do with the money. They do not know how to manage themselves, they spend it badly, or they have to support their families, which prevents them from using the money for themselves. Earning a lot of money is useless if you spend a lot, or if you spend badly. Foolish whims are also common in this type of professional, like the expensive handbags that luxury companions also buy irrationally.
The lack of vision is also very normal in the basic whore. Not having the same emotional intelligence that educated women have in other environments, he does not think about the future and lives up to date. That creates a vicious circle in which the prostitute is tired of her profession and wants to leave her, but she can’t, because she doesn’t know how to do anything else or because she has too many years blank in her resume, years that any normal woman would have invested in studying or to work.

A whore without contacts is like an elegant outfit without a bag: something very important is missing. High-level escorts often make friends on the avenues they attend, and know how to relate to the right people. These people can help them to prosper, to meet other people, to introduce them in certain places, and ultimately, to meet potential clients or partners. The basic prostitute is usually stuck in the same place, and after a while, she has to change places because she is too seen.
What is evident is that all the women who dedicate themselves to this profession, whether they are street whores, high-level escorts and road club prostitutes, are people who deserve respect.