Le client favoris de l’escorte

Parfois, il est normal de demander s’il existe un moyen d’augmenter les chances de succès d’un rendez-vous avec une escorte. Et si oui, ce serait quoi? Il est naturel d’essayer de rendre la réunion inoubliable, non seulement pour le client, mais également pour la dame qui offre ses services. Il y a des hommes qui cherchent une satisfaction, pas seulement la leur, mais aussi celle de leur partenaire. Comment l’obtenir, quand il s’agit d’un rendez-vous avec une escorte de haut standing? Quelles sont les caractéristiques du client préféré d’une escorte?

La différence entre un rendez-vous avec une fille “dans la rue” et une escorte, c’est que dans le premier cas, rien ne garantit que la nuit se terminera … vous savez comment. Avec un professionnel, le résultat est plus évident. La seule façon dont la réunion ne se termine pas bien est que la femme vous déçoive physiquement ou qu’il y ait une absence absolue de chimie. Bien que ce ne soit pas très fréquent; Du moins, pas à l’agence Sugar Girls. Au cours des quatre dernières années, nous avons développé une grande intuition qui nous permet d’éviter de telles situations.


Une façon d’augmenter le taux de réussite est d’organiser le rendez-vous le plus tôt possible. Chez Sugar Girls, nous comprenons que vous êtes un homme occupé. Vous ne pouvez pas toujours planifier votre temps libre avec une telle précision. Nous nous adaptons toujours à votre situation. Néanmoins, nous pensons que si l’escorte est informée à l’avance qu’elle a un rendez-vous, elle le suivra avec une meilleure attitude. Vous ne serez pas pressés, pas de stress et vous aurez passé un bon moment à vous préparer et à être parfaits pour vous-même.

Cette anticipation fait également penser à l’escorte. Oui, c’est ça. Nous avons vérifié et c’est quelque chose que beaucoup d’entre eux confessent. Un rendez-vous bien organisé fait en sorte que l’escorte vous considère comme quelqu’un de spécial, méticuleux, qui organise ses rencontres avec le plus grand soin. Vous sentirez la curiosité et l’émotion. Elle se demandera qui vous êtes. Elle vous verra comme quelqu’un d’intéressant.


Attention: nous ne parlons pas de bijoux ou de sacs coûteux! Nous ne pensons pas non plus qu’il soit nécessaire d’apporter des cadeaux pour l’escorte, surtout s’il s’agit de votre premier rendez-vous. Mais s’il y a un lien et que vous envisagez de la revoir, c’est une bonne idée de lui donner quelque chose pour qu’elle se rappelle de vous. Cela n’a pas besoin d’être quelque chose de coûteuse. Cela peut être une note affectueuse ou des fleurs. Elle l’aimera et lui fera voir en vous le gentleman distingué et différent des autres que vous savez que vous êtes. Le sourire qui sera dessiné sur votre visage sera quelque chose dont vous vous souviendrez pendant des jours. Sans aucun doute, la générosité est l’une des caractéristiques du client préféré de l’escorte.


Chez SugarGirls, nous vous encourageons à commander exactement ce dont vous avez besoin. Avez-vous envie d’un rendez-vous sporadique? Mais si vous rêvez d’une rencontre inoubliable et recherchez une véritable connexion avec l’escorte de vos rêves, pourquoi ne pas planifier une soirée un peu plus longue? Imaginez simplement: vous, elle, un endroit magnifique, une bougie, une bonne bouteille de vin. Ou quelques verres dans un endroit branché. Ceci est particulièrement recommandé si vous êtes passionnée par ce que l’on appelle l’expérience de petite amie. Rire, flirter, augmenter le désir … sont des détails importants pour que l’intimité qui s’ensuit soit parfaite.

Le client favori d’une escorte n’a pas à demander un service de huit heures d’affilée, mais réfléchissez-y. Ce sera une expérience agréable que ni l’un ni l’autre ne peut oublier.

el cliente favorito de una escort


Les escortes ont une grande intuition. C’est normal. Ils apprennent à interagir avec les autres à une vitesse incomparable dans tout autre secteur. Ils savent lire dans les yeux et le visage des autres. Mais ce sont toujours des femmes comme tout le monde. Ils sont sensibles aux compliments et peuvent mener leur activité de manière plus simple si vous leur dites ce que vous aimez. N’ayez pas peur de parler clairement de ce que vous voulez. Dis lui. Elle vous remerciera. Être honnête avant et après votre réunion fera de votre rendez-vous un succès garanti. Le client préféré d’une escorte est concis et direct!

High Standing Escort, Why Choose One?

When it comes to choosing a young lady to enjoy an unforgettable moment of pleasure, fun and laughter, one of the most frequently asked questions is: Should I choose a high standing escort, or does any type of escort serve?

Obviously it is a very personal decision. There will be who thinks that any woman serves, that paying a lot ofmoney for an escort is absurd. At Sugar Girls we believe that quality is paid, although that does not mean that excessive rates are justified. In our agency we defended from the beginning that it was not necessary to establish a very high price. You can enjoy the company of a high level companion without paying large amounts. At the same time, we are aware that cheap is often expensive. That is why it is important to choose well, so as not to waste time with a lady who will not be liked by her client. In the end, in this way, you only lose time and money.


A high standing escort is usually an attractive lady, who is not necessarily beautiful or stunning. As in real life, a woman can have a lot of charm and be irresistible, without having to have a perfect face. In Sugar Girls we have a good eye to find ladies of those who get men to go crazy, in a way that not even a runway model could get.

In the same way, in our agency we have rejected escorts with spectacular faces. Simply, because they did not give the profile we are looking for. They transmitted coldness, closeness and arrogance.


To summarize our tastes, we will say that in our opinion, a high level escort is an attractive, elegant and classy lady. A woman who feels very proud of her physique without believing that it is the only weapon she has to succeed in life. A lady who takes care of her appearance to always be impeccable, knowing that the image that others see is a representation of how she sees herself. Someone who conveys warmth, sympathy and a pleasant character.

Exclusivity is also important to ensure the discretion of meetings in public. It is important to understand this point to avoid unpleasant situations. For example, if you need an escort to go out for dinner or have a drink, or if you want a high-level escort to accompany you to an important event, it is always better to go to an agency like Sugar Girls. We are used to such requests. We know well what are the right escorts so that your demands are met perfectly.


If you want a perfect encounter, trust quality agencies like ours. A high level escort will give you everything you need. You will not have to worry about their appearance. It will always be perfect for you. In public and in private. It will be a perfect company. You will leave your encounter feeling in the clouds and eager to repeat. Call us!


We had time with the idea in mind, but for many months, it was just a fantasy that we glimpsed in the future and nothing more. Honestly, we were so busy with our new luxury facilities in the center of Barcelona that we couldn’t concentrate on other goals. But finally the time has come to make the leap and open another SugarGirls agency in Madrid. It is something that we began to consider at the suggestion of our own clients, executives accustomed to traveling throughout Spain and who missed having an agency like ours in other cities. Sugar Girls has established itself as the best escort agency in Barcelona thanks to an extremely competitive rate and a selection of escorts of the highest level. As we always say, our value for money has no equal.


Once the decision was made, we started. A person from our team traveled to the capital with two goals in mind: first, find the perfect facilities; and second, get in touch with beautiful, elegant and educated ladies. For us it is not an easy task. As we explain in the post about the characteristics of a high level escort, the luxury escort that we look for in SugarGirls is a very specific, special and different profile.

Chicas SugarGirls


In Sugar Girls we are as foodies with women as our clients are. We believe in the power of good energy. We like firm and confident girls, but with good character and a pleasant personality. We are looking for a desirable and attractive physique, but at all costs we avoid women who believe that this is the only weapon that is needed in life to succeed. We don’t want porcelain dolls that don’t transmit anything. We are attracted to the companions with a profession and some objectives apart from their activities as escorts, since we believe they are a much more interesting woman profile and with a more positive approach to what life is.

Many of our ladies are students in prestigious universities and some of them are already licensed and ready to enter the labor market. Others prefer to live life with more intensity and are not yet ready to establish themselves definitively, so they prefer to travel the world and have fun waiting to decide what they will do. And some already have a job that they love and for years, but they want to earn extra money by interacting with senior gentlemen like you. An extra nothing negligible that will help them achieve their goals much faster.

Chicas de compañia de alto standing

Our selection is very careful. We like to meet the girls in person, after evaluating the photographs they send us through our contact form. Obviously, these images allow us to get an idea of ​​something very important in this sector: beauty. Although as we have explained, it is not the only thing that counts. If the photographs show us a woman who does not fit exactly with the physical profile that interests us, we destroy all the information that has been sent immediately, to guarantee the privacy of any person who contacts us, whether selected or not. . In SugarGirls we value both the privacy of our clients and that of the young ladies who are engaged in this activity.

If what we see seems attractive, we will organize the personal interview. Our managers contact the escort via telephone and meet her at our facilities. In this way, the interested person can see first-hand the luxury apartment in which some of the agency’s private meetings will take place and have the first contact with the Sugar Girls Barcelona team.

Citas exitosas 100%

During the appointment, we observe how the escort is in person, how her manners are, her way of expressing herself and moving … We do not demand a stellar performance: we want our girls to be themselves. We have no problems with shyness and we don’t want anyone to show up in a way that isn’t. We are also interested in his goals and some details of his life, such as his profession and his personal goals, information that only serves to give us an idea of ​​his personality and that we never share with anyone. We like to know who we work with, just like we provide all the information that our escorts request.

It is also important for us to make it clear that the rate of services provided is set by the company. The meetings are private and organized with total discretion, and what happens during them is a personal decision between the escort and the client, who have been contacted through SugarGirls.

If the interview satisfies us … we have a new escort in Barcelona! In SugarGirls we take care of putting the company lady in contact with our clients and proceed to organize a session from which we will take the images that will appear on our page. High quality photographs and the best lighting, but without absurd touch-ups. In our agency we do not understand what is the sense of selling an image that does not correspond to reality, a hoax that customers soon discover! We are totally against the lies and false illusions so frequent in this sector.

Escorts en madrir una realidad a corto plazo

We assume that it will take us a few months to settle in Madrid, but we have no doubt that we will succeed. We already have a wide portfolio of clients who are looking forward to knowing our facilities in the capital and we know that our competitive price formula and beautiful high level escorts gives a result. Our success in the city supports us. Over four years of passion and effort, we have managed to change the luxury escort services sector in Barcelona and our goal is to do the same in Madrid.

In SugarGirls we are ready to face this new challenge, so if you plan to go to Madrid for business or pleasure, do not hesitate to call us. We know that what we have to offer you will love … as always.

Escort Rates, Which is the Right?

At Sugar Girls we are proud to offer high quality services, at the most competitive price in the market. Our goal was to end the excessive rates that were seen on many pages of escorts and that touched the absurd. The clients of these agencies were quick to express their dissatisfaction in opinion forums. Pay a fee of 500 euros and risk finding a lady who is not up to par? Knowing that it will be impossible to recover the money? For months, Sugar Girls was reading different experiences published in those communities. These experiences helped us to understand how the sector was in Barcelona. And the rates of the escorts.


The complaints were understandable. High-level Escorts who came smelling of tobacco, who spent the entire hour looking at the clock, who seemed bored, who were willing to leave, who seemed to be doing the customer a favor and were responsible for making it very clear. But the worst was not that; The worst thing was to search the net a little and see the same lady in another agency, asking for a much lower price. What is the logic that says that something that a Tuesday is available for 500 euros, can be achieved on Saturday in half? Is it that people can be lowered? Why do escort rates vary so much?



At the same time, it seemed that there was not much to choose from. The only girls that were worth it were precisely the ones in that kind of pages. The agencies that offered the lowest rates had such a low level of companions that the experience was even worse for the client looking for an attractive and classy woman. It seemed that there were no real alternatives. Either you paid too much and you ran the big risk of not getting what you wanted, or you paid much less, to get nothing either.

It also gave us the feeling that those excessive prices made the escorts lose track of money. Used to earn large amounts for nothing, or in exchange for less, they became capricious women. Women who spent too much, concerned only with designer clothes and without any clear objective in life, instead of being intelligent and striving to establish a good portfolio of regular customers, while growing professionally and carving a future.

From that kind of excessive rates, the image of the escort that has an immense collection of Chanel bags is born, but does not have a home of her own or a career outside her services as a luxury companion. It is in that range of rates where such cases occur most commonly. Many of these escorts have come to our agency who, after years and years receiving the same salary as a senior executive, did not have a single tangible asset, career, business or property. That spiral causes a deep despair in that kind of escorts. An anguish whose consequences pay the gentlemen who hire their services. Yes, the dreaded bad energy.

We have observed that establishing a more accessible rate attracts other types of ladies, as beautiful and distinguished as those advertised by double and even triple. Our girls value money and respect themselves enough not to waste it buying nonsense. They have clear and very realistic goals. They are sure of themselves and know their own value, but at the same time, they are humble. They have a natural and feminine elegance, instead of believing that they have class just because they wear Louboutin heels of 1000 euros. Most set important goals that do not take long to reach.


Escorts that ask for extremely high rates are not always better. Their price is not synonymous with exclusivity, since they work elsewhere for much less money. We believe that it is a kind of hook: just wait and someone will sting. Very few believe that paying so much money for an escort will guarantee an unforgettable experience. Often, it’s just a lady with nothing special, but with a signature dress. Of course, at Sugar Girls we respect personal freedom. We respect the fact that each escort asks for what she wants in exchange for giving others the pleasure of her company. But we are also in favor of honesty.

In Sugar Girls we set out to change the standard rate of high standing agencies. Our goal was that all gentlemen had the possibility to enjoy the services of a luxury companion at a reasonable price. A rate that remained high for many standards, but that was not as unreachable as that of 400 euros per hour. This amount has allowed us to establish ourselves as one of the best escort agencies in Barcelona. Men know that they don’t have to pay excessive amounts to meet a beautiful, young, elegant and classy lady. And they won’t do it again.

las tarifas de las escorts barcelona


At Sugar Girls we are proud of the type of clientele and escorts we have. After four years of determination, we have managed to unite beautiful high-level escorts with select gentlemen. And without any need to ask for a ridiculous rate or fool anyone. We have had very few disappointments throughout these years. We believe that the decision to offer a competitive price has given a magnificent result. We have changed this sector completely. And seeing how the situation was not so long ago, we’re glad it’s like that.

Spending an unforgettable time full of magic in the company of the escort of your dreams is already possible in Barcelona. Sugar Girls can turn that fantasy, finally, into a reality at your fingertips.

The Characteristics of a High Level Escort

In the world of luxury escort services, there is a belief that only beautiful women can succeed as escorts. Unfortunately for them, that is not true! Beauty, by itself, is not enough for things to go well in this fascinating sector; neither in this, nor in any other. And if we think carefully, it is not enough to succeed in personal and loving relationships. Believing that a pleasant physique is the only tool to attract men is a tremendously wrong idea that gives rise to multiple awkward situations between many escorts and their clients. It is absurd to think that way. Beauty may appeal to the beginning, but the good impression of the beginning will not fade into the air, when it becomes clear that apart from that there is not much else. The initial interest, which will last very little, will give way to great disappointment and the feeling of wasting time and money. What is the use then?


In our opinion and according to our extensive experience, a high level escort is an attractive woman, with good character but sure of herself, intelligent, with clear and empathic ideas. That is the profile we look for in Sugar Girls Barcelona. Of course, in our agency we have really stunning escorts, beautiful women with physicists who have nothing to envy to those of magazine cover models; but in addition to that, they also have a magnetic personality, are intuitive, honest and understand the importance of establishing a connection with the gentlemen with whom they are cited. They know that the men who have called us to meet them in person, fascinated by the photographs they have seen on our website, expect a nice and special woman, not just a pretty face unable to convey anything interesting. Men are looking for much more than that!

Our girls enjoy interacting with each other. Most have traveled all over the world, know languages, have studied in other cities and are independent from a very young age. All have received a good education that has allowed them to develop great emotional intelligence. They have values ​​and are respectful. They know how to adapt to any situation and person, as any successful woman in the personal and professional field would. They have enough self-love to run away from dramas and know that it is not worth creating them. They can see the good side of people and expect only the best, instead of anticipating events always thinking the worst of others and distrusting beforehand. What’s the point?

Our escorts believe in sincerity and good energy and above all, they are delighted to meet new people. They are curious by nature and working in this sector allows them to satisfy that great curiosity. The idea of ​​meeting a stranger, someone who can share their own experiences, fantasies and desires with them, is something they always perceive as a new opportunity. The opportunity to make new friends and learn from them. The opportunity to make someone who deserves it happy. The opportunity to be the icing on the cake of another person’s day.

That does not mean that all our companions are outgoing; Some of our girls are very shy, but they are charming, delicious, which makes them seem even more desirable. In Sugar Girls we are totally against an escort showing herself in a way that is not: her own personality is very important in this sector. We like girls with essence and we want them to join our team. Nothing good is achieved when we pretend to be what we are not and understand that not all women have to be extremely sociable or open. But education, kindness and understanding are common characteristics in all our beauties. A personal interview allows us to find these wonderful diamonds in the rough and we are also attentive to the opinions of our clients to further promote our policy of transparency and honesty.

Safety and self-confidence are also keys for an escort to be pure dynamite for those who know her. Men want, above all, fun and good company. Chemistry is important although we have learned that it develops much more easily than people think: it only takes a good predisposition. Wait for the bad and you will have it. Expect the good, and the good will soon appear. As simple as that.

Seeing this sector as a quick way to earn easy money is an attitude with very negative implications, physically and emotionally. Stress is the worst recipe for a private meeting between two people. We usually avoid that kind of women when they come to us. That is not what we want. We look for freshness and a healthy lifestyle at all levels. We respect the privacy of the escorts and never interfere in their personal sphere, but we like that they have goals, that they are complete. That is why our girls have a complete existence apart from their activities as luxury escorts in Barcelona, ​​and their services are just a very nice extra in a life full of satisfactions and healthy ambition.

Happiness on a personal level, love what you do, put yourself in the shoes of others, know what to give to receive … those are the secrets for an escort to have successful encounters, without rigidity or tensions of any kind. That is the magnet that makes select gentlemen who want to meet them come back again and again to see them again. They know they have found a special woman with the innate ability to make them feel special too. Because they are. You are. That’s why, like our girls, you deserve only the best. You can be convinced that your appointments with the Sugar girls will be a good exchange of fantasy, sweetness and sensuality.

Enjoy your experience at the Mobile Congress with a luxury escort

Many of those attending the previous editions of Mobile Word Congress were fortunate enough to enjoy the company of beautiful high-level companions. Escort agencies know that this is a very important event in which select businessmen meet the big companies in the sector. Men who naturally feel the need to relax and have some fun after a hard day of work, meetings and presentations. It seems logical. And what better way to find the rest they deserve than in the hands of a beautiful, elegant and involved escort .

Barcelona, ​​usual headquarters of the MWC

Barcelona has established itself as the headquarters of the Mobile Word Congress and it is easy to understand the reason: it is a cosmopolitan and open city that adapts perfectly to the needs of those who visit it. His fame has reached all corners of the world, thanks to its variety of services and the charm of its streets, monuments and places of interest. Without a doubt, it is the ideal place to organize a business trip sweetened with tourism, fun … and many moments of pleasure. The spectacular beauty of the women of Barcelona is a magnet that attracts high-level gentlemen accustomed to always getting what they want, like you. We also know that your time is worth gold and that you don’t tolerate wasting it; Therefore, at Sugar Girls we anticipate your needs and have a careful selection of company ladies . This selection will make your choice as perfect as you also want your business meetings to be.

Escorts world mobile


Trusting an experienced and highly regarded agency as Sugar Girls, is the best guarantee of success during your stay. We know that you are as implacable when it comes to spending your money as you are when it comes to earning it. We know you don’t grant second chances. We are proud to have a large client portfolio that grows at a dizzying pace every day, thanks to our beautiful ladies and an unbeatable value for money. Thanks to us, the era of the scams, the broken escorts, the ridiculous and excessive rates, the photos that do not correspond to the lady who enters through the door is over. Fortunately, all that has been left behind, after many years in which it seemed that this was the usual tonic of the relations between escort and client. Feel that they had fooled you, that you had wasted an hour of your life that you were not going to recover, that you had paid for something they had not given you … we understand.

By trusting Sugar Girls you can rest assured that you will say goodbye to the escort of your dreams with a smile of satisfaction on your face, knowing that, as always, you are right when making a decision. You will be clear that you have found a relaxation agency that has understood from the beginning that you are a valuable customer who must be properly cared for. You will leave our city with one more phone in your extensive agenda so that, in the next edition of Mobile Word Congress, you already know directly who you have to call again. You will never waste another minute of your time.


As every year, the celebration of the international technology fair Mobile Word Congress is accompanied by some controversy. Everyone knows that this is a great opportunity for massage houses and contact agencies to capture new clients, something that seems to outrage the media and the public. From Sugar Girls Barcelona, ​​we observe this controversy with a smile, asking ourselves what is the problem of people doing what they want, as long as they do not harm anyone and it is a free decision.

Since the world is a world, men have offered financial compensation to beautiful women in exchange for the pleasure of their company. It is a natural instinct, strongly linked to our biology and that will never disappear. There is nothing more explosive and beautiful than the culmination of the maximum degree of intimacy between a man and a woman. There will be nothing or anyone who can stop that need. A determined man, a free and self-confident woman, a look, a kiss, the promise to repeat the meeting, or maybe not …


We believe that this union is even more intense and satisfying when it comes to two people who know what they want. There are no lies, no false illusions, only pure pleasure and the delicious certainty of knowing that everyone has obtained just what they want. Why waste time that you don’t have left over in a leisure place or a disco? Why give your phone number to someone who, deep down, you don’t want to see again? Why dedicate your attention to a woman who doesn’t quite like you at all? You are in a moment of your life where you can do only what you want. You must be your highest priority, the only one.

Thanks to Sugar Girls, you decide what your girl will look like, when she will come and when she will have to leave.


The best way to guarantee a discreet, satisfactory and untethered relaxation experience is to rely on the services of a high level escort agency. Really, there is no other alternative that is up to par. It is the easiest, most efficient and fastest way, with a very high degree of satisfaction. That is something that businessmen know well and that is the reason why, every time this congress is organized, the city is filled with young ladies, massage therapists and escorts. Among so many offers, it is important that you choose the best option.

Organize your private and intimate pleasure agenda with the same precision with which you organize your business agenda. Contact Sugar Girls Barcelona and we will take care that everything goes perfectly.

Very Vicious Escorts

There are escorts that love sex ! But our Sugar girls live for sex … They decided to dedicate themself to this activity for pure pleasure. But how you can find a vicious escorts with which to fulfill all your fantasies, even the dirtiest ones? Keep reading.

Vice goes beyond being attracted to the perfume , body or lips of a woman. It may be more related to the situation, conditions , or identity of the other person. For example, having desire with your partner’s sister. This is vice, not attraction, and that is what makes the desire of men multiply by a thousand.

Surely you have seen yourself in lots of situations like this, in which you wanted to possess someone because of the morbid and the forbidden of the moment. Maybe you want to do something special in bed and you can not propose it , to your partner because she would be scandalized. But no worries , this is what the escorts are for ! To deal with your fantasies and making them a reality.

Vicious escorts at your disposal

We have a lot of vicious escorts who love going to couples exchange clubs, doing orgies, being with several men at the same time or seeing each other in unusual situations with their clients. They love facial ejaculations, trios, being with other women … They are authentic sex addicts who feel irresistibly attracted by what go out of the ordinary.

If you also enjoy those atypical situations, you need a whore that is up to you and to your fantasies . You have to forget about shy or very refined girls : they are not the profile you are looking for. Use common sense and do not look for the most beautiful escort , just look for the one who is willing to do what you are searching for.

A vicious escort will do whatever you ask for it . They are women who do sex with a lot of emotion and intensity but especially eager for the forbidden. They use all their physical weapons to take those moments to the extreme, without limits, without fears, just enjoying the freedom of pure and hard sex . Will you dare ?

Putas Viciosas en Madrid

Sugargirls Madrid : The best option for a night of pure vice

In our agency we have very vicious and excited escorts , who are looking forward to find gentlemen to satisfy all their forbidden fantasies . They will make your most dirty and secret fantasies a reality . What happens in SugarGirls stays in SugarGirls : discretion and fun is what characterize us.

Yes, we have very vicious escorts who are waiting for you to join any battle in which you want to participate. Who will be the winner of the game?

Check out our gallery and choose the most vicious escorts of all. We are sure that you can distinguish between them and take the most vicious one…