You are hot and your favorite escort is not available, what can we do?
One of the big differences between the luxury escorts and the professionals available in clubs and flats is the schedule. A high-level companion has special characteristics that allow her to practice her profession in a more elitist environment.
Flexibility in availability is one of the advantages. Unlike other women in the sector, the escort does not have to cover a 21-year-old position, nor fulfill a schedule of several hours a day, nor should she, so to speak, “sign” upon entering and leaving.
The escort performs this activity for money, of course, but also for pleasure and fun. He has goals and a career that complements with being available to distinguished gentlemen, in order to have a fun time …
That means that your favorite escort will not always be available.
The girls adapt to be available to their lovers but their commitments prevent them from being available 24 hours a day. More than once you will want to call that escort and you will find that she is out, has a new schedule or simply disappears. Remember that in this sector the smoke curtains are frequent and when the companions decide that they no longer want to be available, they do not always feel the need to say goodbye.
Our advice is never to tie yourself to anyone. It is good that you have a favorite escort with whom you have a special connection and with which you like to repeat. But with so much variety at your disposal, why not take advantage of the opportunities that life offers you? If your favorite escort is not available, do not turn off your desire: you just have to satisfy it with another. In Sugar Girls we have such a variety of beauties that you will feel that there is always a perfect woman ready for you. Call us!