In the sex market, variety is very important. However, high-level escorts do not need to continually change their place of work, as is the case with road sluts or brothel professionals.
Everyone knows that in road clubs there is a 21-day timeframe, what is known in the sector as making a place. The square lasts exactly that time, and after those 21 days, the girl must leave, no matter how beautiful she is or the amount of money she has generated. In large brothels the number of customers is very high, thanks to easy access and low rates. In some cases, the clubs are located next to the border, which also means that they have clientele from other countries, as happens in brothels near France.
The 21-day rule is also due to the limited number of places in the brothels. Street prostitutes are exposed to dangers, aggressions and uncomfortable temperatures, so many prefer to work in the relative safety of a club. In towns where there is up to one prostitute for every ten inhabitants, giving work to all the girls is impossible.
With high level prostitution, this is different. All agencies are looking for new girls, as long as they have the required characteristics: physical, good presence, education, elegance, sympathy. The requirements limit the arrival of new escorts without any control, but in Sugar Girls, fortunately, we incorporate an average of 25 new girls every month.
In escort agencies there is no rotation of girls. We believe that escorts are not objects, so we never tell them to leave after a while. We have enough clientele so that our girls never stop earning money. Some of our companions have been with us for years, and this will remain so … until they want to. We only stop working with whores who have not met our expectations or have been problematic, although this has only happened on a few occasions.
So if you think that older escorts languish in a corner of our website, you are wrong. InSugar Girls, we offer a wide variety of young ladies, of all kinds of nationalities, physical characteristics, hair color, height, age … Because yes, the variety in this sector is essential, but that has nothing to do with the usual rotation in low level sites.